SubZero Common
Common library components for an FRC CommandRobot
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Csubzero::AutoFactory< T >Safely get an auto command from PPLib without the risk of crashing from a missing auto file
 CConnectorX::CachedZoneStores the state of the Connector-X device locally
 Csubzero::ILoggerLogger interface
 Csubzero::ConsoleLoggerOutputs formatted strings to stdout
 Csubzero::ShuffleboardLoggerOutputs formatted information to SmartDashboard
 Csubzero::PidMotorController< rev::spark::SparkMax, rev::spark::SparkClosedLoopController, rev::spark::SparkRelativeEncoder, rev::spark::SparkAbsoluteEncoder, rev::spark::SparkMaxConfig >
 Csubzero::PidMotorController< TMotor, TController, TRelativeEncoder, TAbsoluteEncoder >
 Csubzero::PidMotorController< TMotor, TController, TRelativeEncoder, TAbsoluteEncoder, TPidConfig >Combines a motor, motor drvier, relative encoder, and absolute encoder into a single wrapper; helpful for absolute positioning, setting velocities, or tuning PID values
 Csubzero::ISingleAxisSubsystem< Distance >Single axis interface
 Csubzero::ISingleAxisSubsystem< TDistance >
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, TDistance >The ultimate solution for turrets, arms, and much more. This class allows for absolute, relative, and joystick control across both linear and rotational axes. Even better, it checks motion limits, outputs real-time stats via SmartDashboard, and allows for out-of-the-box simulations via Mechanism2d
 Csubzero::ISingleAxisSubsystem< units::degree >
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, units::degree >
 Csubzero::RotationalSingleAxisSubsystem< TController >A single axis representing a circular path of motion in degrees
 Csubzero::ISingleAxisSubsystem< units::meter >
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, units::meter >
 Csubzero::LinearSingleAxisSubsystem< TController >A single axis representing a linear path of motion in meters
 Csubzero::ITurnToTargetInterface for classes that move towards a target while maintaining driver input
 Csubzero::TurnToPoseAllows the robot/an axis to face an arbitrary Pose2d
 Csubzero::PhotonVisionEstimators::PhotonCameraEstimatorRepresents a single camera
 Csubzero::PhotonVisionEstimatorsCombines estimated poses from an arbitrary number of PhotonVision cameras and applies them to a Holonomic pose estimator
 Csubzero::PidMotorControllerPair< TMotor, TController, TRelativeEncoder, TAbsoluteEncoder >Encapsulates a pair of motors that should be treated as a single unit
 Csubzero::PidMotorControllerPairTuner< TMotor, TController, TRelativeEncoder, TAbsoluteEncoder >Tunes a pair of motors concurrently through SmartDashboard
 Csubzero::PidMotorControllerTuner< TMotor, TController, TRelativeEncoder, TAbsoluteEncoder, TPidConfig >Intended for use alongside a PidMotorController for simple tuning through SmartDashboard
 Csubzero::ModifiableChooser< TKey >
 Csubzero::ModifiableChooser< T >A SmartDashboard drop-down that can have its options dynamically change
 Csubzero::ISingleAxisSubsystem< Distance >::SingleAxisConfigThe configuration for single-axis mechanisms
 Csubzero::SingleAxisMechanismDescribes the axis for simulation
 CConnectorX::ConnectorXBoardDriver for use with the I2C, V2 iteration of Connector-X
 Csubzero::TaggedChooser< TKey >Each key of type T has a vector<string> of tags; accepts a list of groups that each have a name and list of possible tags that are mutually exclusive. The ANY option is automatically included in all group selectors to indicate the lack of a selection. When a selection is made, the intersection of all selections is created based on T's list of tags
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, units::meter >
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, units::degree >
 Csubzero::BaseSingleAxisSubsystem< TController, TDistance >The ultimate solution for turrets, arms, and much more. This class allows for absolute, relative, and joystick control across both linear and rotational axes. Even better, it checks motion limits, outputs real-time stats via SmartDashboard, and allows for out-of-the-box simulations via Mechanism2d